Massage therapy: A powerful tool to take charge of your health and well-being!

Dr. Jennifer Penrose interviews Hawk Mason, LMT licensed massage therapist who provides massage therapy services at Penrose Physical Therapy. He is a former military veteran with experience leading a team overseas as well as a history of working with disabled adults. We discuss how “massage therapy is a powerful tool that can help you take charge of your health and well-being” quote from the Mayo clinic! We discuss the benefits that the literature/research has been able to show as well as what we see with clients. Massage therapy is no longer considered a “luxury spa service” but more of an integrated approach to wellness and feeling and moving better. In fact, with today’s social media we are actually becoming more anxious and less connected to community and each other. Massage is a great way to decrease anxiety and provide healing through touch. Massage therapy lowers blood pressure, decreases pain, improves mobility and leads to healthier lives! People are surprised that their pain is actually referred from somewhere else: called trigger points in the muscles. It is very common to have tension headaches from neck muscles that send pain to behind your eyes, your temporal region, your face and jaw. Massage is so helpful with stress, tension, scar tissue after surgeries, and maintaining mobility with arthritis.
Penrose Physical Therapy